Safe Landing

Join our free monthly virtual group for Fertility Warriors

A place to be seen, decompress and get empowered

First Sunday of every month

12pm PST/ 3pm EST

1pm PST/ 4pm EST Orthodox group

To participate fill out the form and you will be contacted

A Personal Reflection on Fertility

Embarking on the journey to conceive a child, whether it's your first or you're experiencing secondary infertility, can evoke feelings akin to trauma.

With each cycle, hope and fear intermingle.

Awaiting news from the doctor's office, the anticipation is nerve-wracking. When the office's number appears on your phone screen, your heart races, your breath catches, knowing that in mere moments, you could either soar with joy or plummet into another cycle of disappointment and recovery.

Observing other women's pregnancies while struggling to conceive only compounds the emotional turmoil.

Endless injections, ovulation tracking, pregnancy tests, and experimenting with the latest fertility treatments leave you physically and financially drained.

Questions swirl: Did you make a mistake in your diet? Are you too stressed? Are your thoughts not positive enough? The sense of failure and guilt looms large.

I understand this intimately, as it has been my reality for twelve years. Birthdays, holidays, vacations—each was preceded by, intertwined with, or followed by a failed cycle.

Even now, after welcoming my baby through surrogacy, I recognize the importance of processing past experiences and releasing the trauma and grief held within the mind and body.

In my practice, I offer support to women and couples through individual and group therapy.

"Safe Landing" is a monthly support group, free of charge, where we come together to share our experiences and find solidarity in this intricate journey.

We keep the group small and cap it at 8 participants.